Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Alto Event Flyer!

Please come out and support Alto on  October 19th at the Village Pourhouse on 46th St between 8th and 9th Ave.
Email or comment on this post for more information!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Big Event!

Hey everybody! We wanted to give you all a heads up about a great fundraiser evening for the feature film “ALTO” produced by Shake The Tree Productions.

On October 19th, 2010 we invite you all to help us change the face of filmmaking and join us at the Village Pourhousse on 46th St. between 8th and 9th Avenues in an effort to achieve our goal to bring this character rich story to the forefront of the movie going public.

Shake The Tree has gathered quite a bit of attention in it’s effort to bring original material to the screen and it’s with great admiration and a bit of luck that we have been able to obtain the unique story telling abilities of a gifted writer. Mikki Del Monico has given us the opportunity to develop and present a truly unique, one of a kind screenplay. And with the help of the enormously talented Angelica Torn (daughter of Rip Torn and Geraldine Page) at the helm directing, we’re sure to have an outstanding film.

“ALTO” a lesbian mob comedy. Does this not say it all? “Two Girls. One Gun. A Broad Comedy About Love and The Mob”. This cross generational piece incorporates the Italian American culture, the MTV crowd, the gay and lesbian community, the MOB dynamic as it pertains to story telling and true comedy. And we’re equally thrilled to have developed an original soundtrack that mirrors the essence of the film as well thanks to the talented music production of Benjamin K. Harrison. So, in keeping with our grass roots mentality…  please join us in our quest to bring this amazing funny film to the screen.

Make a small donation that evening and you will enjoy one hour of FREE OPEN BAR and we will be holding an exciting raffle for some very cool items… VIP access to the wrap party of the film, Beach Bum Tanning Coupon, Bottle of Vision Vodka, Walk on the Red Carpet at the movie premiere, a One liner in the film and much much more. AND some cast & crew will be there to meet and greet the guests!

Please feel free to visit our website @ www.shakethetreeproductions.com

We anticipate a great evening and hope to see you there!!

Always the best from Toni and Mark

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Message from the Producer

Here's a message from Mark Dobies one of the producers of Alto:

Hey everyone! I just had the pleasure speaking with one of the top acting coaches in the country today…who also happens to be ALTO’S very own Mrs. Capalletti. It’s a coup for us not only to have Ms. Spivak’s enormous depth and character in the role but to have someone of her caliber on set to share her insights and a lifetime of experience is more than we could hope for. I have yet to meet anyone in the industry who brings out more detail and character analysis in a scene than Alice. Having worked with some of the biggest names in the industry she epitomizes the Golden Age of Hollywood. If it’s good she’ll make it better. If it’s great…you get the picture.

I have to say that I can’t reiterate any better than what my partner Toni talked about in her recent blog. But…I’ll try. When she first presented the script to me for consideration, the only thing she said was “give it a read”.  Now, you have to know my partner and I have a very symbiotic “melding of the minds” when it comes to the creative process. “Give it a read” didn’t at all sound like our usual “tell me what ya think”. Was I intrigued? Yeah! Needless to say halfway through “ALTO” my response was…we gotta do this! So, here we are.

In the months to come I’ve met some truly amazing people. Our gifted and unassuming writer, Mikki del Monico whose talent left me in stitches and tears and our wonderful director Angelica Torn who so gracefully fit into ALTO’s pilot seat.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Message from the Producer

Here's a message from Toni D'Antonio one of the producers of Alto:

“So, I wrote this script I want you to read”. All film makers have heard that at one point or another from all their friends and/or family. BUT it’s rare that you read one that you actually LOVE and WANT to produce. That’s how I felt when I read Mikki del Monico’s “Alto”. First I couldn’t put it down and then I couldn’t wait to start developing it. Funny. Smart. Timely. Familiar. However, even with all those fantastic qualities, I knew it would be an up hill battle all the way… The Mob mixed with Lesbians and Lasagna? Three 60+ heavy supporting characters? Low budget, all filmed in Queens and Brooklyn? Music heavy with all original songs? No, what could be difficult about that? When my producing partner signed off on it, we began the journey without looking back. Two readings and countless development dollars later, we have assembled a STELLAR CAST and CREW and have even managed to create a bit of a following using new media on facebook and twitter. And we haven’t even shot scene one …YET!!! It’s been an educational and exciting adventure and we are so ready to make this film. But obviously financing has been a major obstacle since the economy took it’s nose dive a couple of years ago. So, we just keep plugging along. Fighting the good fight. Raising small amounts of money at a time. Believing in this amazing piece of material. And assuring our enormously talented writer that WE WILL PREVAIL! We will not lose faith in this wonderful project. All the support from cast and crew to remain attached and be at the ready to shoot, proves that the script has merit and the film has potential for monetary success. It’s not only attainable but the film is poised to make a real IMPACT. I am proud to have this film on Shake The Tree’s roster and am doubly proud of how far we have come on this shoestring of a development budget. I only wish I could make it happen faster. Oh and did I mention that we offer development, production consulting and packaging services?? So, now, a little break in the action…I am off to raise awareness for breast cancer now. Shake The Tree is a corporate sponsor for Greater NYC Komen for the Cure. Come join some of the cast and crew of “Alto” for the Race for the Cure on September 12th. See, not only do we make films that matter but we give back to the community that helps make them a success. Hope you’ll keep following us.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Message from the Writer

Alto writer Mikki del Monico took a minute to reflect and share her feelings about the film. Enjoy!

When I first conceived the opening scene of ALTO, I saw a young Francesca "Frankie" Del Vecchio, aged nine, seated at an upright piano plunking out the theme song for The Godfather, her family seated around her, smiles plastered on their too-proud faces.  Without warning, Frankie slams into a jazzed-up version of The Tarantella.  Finishing her big number, she turns around, expecting applause.  Her mother claps politely and says, "That's nice, honey, but did you have to finish it so ugly?"  "That's the Tarantella.  They dance to it in Italy to get the poisons out, like if you get bit by a spider or something."  "Well, honey, I keep a clean house.  We don't have spiders.  Why don't you play the first one again?"

Though the scene never made it into the finished script, it aptly represents the character dilemma that drove ALTO into existence: how do you maintain a sense of roots while differentiating yourself from your family?  How indeed.  It's a struggle that each of us manifests in as many different ways as there are human beings, and because of that, there is something universal about the drive, about the need to find a balance between connection and independence.

In thinking recently about ALTO, on a thematic level, I came to the conclusion that ALTO doesn't so much challenge the mob, per se, as it challenges a sort of "mob" mentality.  That's really what Frankie is fighting.  Her family, in this case, represents the real mob in her life, a kind of herd mentality, and her decision not to simply throw it off but to find her place within it, to define her own reality, to make her own home by finding a home first inside herself represents a willingness to engage rather than run from the questions of her life.

At the same time, I wanted to laugh about it all, because in the struggle to find a place for myself in my own family, I've learned that-- paradoxically--the looser I hold the reins of self-expression, the more free I become to find humor in the places of collision and to make of these places a soft landing pad for growth.

Let's do this thing (ha).

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Updated Cast List

Hey Supporters!
Shake the Tree is happy to announce an updated cast. Click the names for more info on the actors!

Frankie del Vecchio:  Cara Buono  
Tony Cappelletti: John Lloyd Young 
Nicolette Bellafusco: Yancy Butler 
Cesare Bellafusco: Stephen Schnetzer 
Chinzano: Lou Martini Jr. 
Heather Del Vecchio: Ellora deCarlo
Sonny Gagoots: Arthur Nascarella 
Vince D’Amico: Federico Castelluccio  
Little Gino Roma: Gabriel Vaughan  
Kat Tommasino: Katy Ostrander  
Mrs. Montessano: Alice Spivak  
FBI Agent Loughlin: Toni D’Antonio   
FBI Agent Ledoux: Mark Dobies  
Traitor: Damien Di Paola
The Bellas: Stephanie Venditto  
              Cynthia Leigh Young  
              Melanie Minichino  
              Darlene Violette  

Don't forget to check Twitter (@shakethetreenyc) for the latest updates on the project.